Frequently Asked QuestionsQ. I have a drug problem, what do I have to do to attend an NA meeting? A. Narcotics Anonymous meetings are free and open to anyone who thinks he or she might have a drug problem. Please click the meetings link on this web site to find a meeting near you. Q. My family member or friend has a drug problem. How can I get him or her to stop using? A. Please feel free to make information about Narcotics Anonymous, including this web site, available to anyone you suspect may have a drug problem. Our experience is that an individual has to want to stop using before help will be effective. Q. My family member or friend has a drug problem. Do you have meetings for me? A. For information about assistance for family members and friends of addicts, please contact Nar-Anon at 877-424-4491 (in NJ) or 800-238-2333 (in NJ) or visit their web site at http://naranonofnj.org/. Although Narcotics Anonymous is not affiliated with Nar-Anon we are providing their phone number as a public service. Q. I need to get into an inpatient or outpatient treatment facility. Where can I go? A. Narcotics Anonymous is not affiliated with any treatment facility. If you feel that you may need any form of hospitalization or professional care, please contact your local hospital or consult your phone book. If you are in a state of health emergency, call 911. Q. Should I attend a “closed” or “open” meeting? A. Closed Narcotics Anonymous meetings are intended for addicts only or those who feel they may have a drug problem. Open Narcotics Anonymous meetings are open to anyone wishing to experience our Fellowship and all are welcome to attend. Q. I am a teenager. Are there special meetings for me? A. Anyone may attend Narcotics Anonymous, regardless of age, race, sexual identity, creed, religion, or lack of religion. There are a few NA meetings designated as “Youth” in our online meeting directory in NJ. However, anyone can attend any meeting.
Q. I have heard of sponsorship. What is that? A. In Narcotics Anonymous, sponsorship is an informal arrangement between new and experienced members to help newer members learn about recovery from addiction. The best way to find a sponsor is through attending NA meetings. In NA, there is no monetary aspect to sponsorship. Q. I am a professional and I have a drug problem. Are there special meetings for me? A. No, Narcotics Anonymous does not offer special meetings for any specific occupation. If you are concerned about your personal anonymity, please consider attending a closed Narcotics Anonymous meeting, which is for addicts only, or those who may have a drug problem. Q. I am a professional who works with addicts and I would like to send them to Narcotics Anonymous meetings. What’s the best way to do this? A. Our online meeting list presents the most accurate, up-to-date NA meeting information available at the statewide level. Q. I am a student that was asked to observe a typical recovery meeting. What’s the best way to do this? A. NA has Open-to-the-Public and Closed-for-addicts-only meetings. You are welcome to attend any meeting that is listed as "O" since it is an open meeting. However, Recording devices and photographic equipment are prohibited at meetings since "we are under no surveillance at any time". Also, most meetings discourage active-note-taking as members notice this as unusual behavior at our meetings. Finally at some point in the meeting everyone will introduce themselves. We ask for your First name only and followed either by Addict, Visitor, Student, or Interested in NA. |